"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them." --Mark Twain

Monday, August 23, 2010

Writing Woes

Oh its times like these that I think I'll never finish my book. I write and write and hope some inspiration hits me so that my store can move forward. I'm kinda at a road block, a detour... and I can't figure out how I want the next few chapters to play out. I know where I want my story to go but I don't know how to get there.

Its frustrating because I don't want to write crap. I want it to be good... I know that not everyone will like my story but my friend Laura was right when she said if you can't stand a certian section in your book, how do you think your reader will feel.

Maybe I'm trying too hard. Is that even possible? Maybe I'm over thinking and trying to aim for prefection when I need to be aimming for a rough draft. I need a body of bones before I can add muscle and flesh. But what if the bones don't come. I'm just not feeling very creative... the mojo ain't flowin' dude. I'm tired and my mother is watching Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings in the next room over. I can't focus.

I know I'm bitching but it can't be helped. I told you this was going to be a place for me to confess my writing woes. Is this writer's block? I think it may be but isn't writer's block. You know what I need to do. Step away for the night... maybe even a day... and come back with fresh eyes. I need to listen to some music, rider my horse, read a book for enjoyment, and not touch my story for a couple days. Yes, I think that's what I will do. I don't want to... taking a break isn't really in me but something's gotta give.

I gave my BFF, Heather, the first 5 chapters of my book and I should wait for her feedback. Laura said she'd help me too... I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.... I'm the little engine that could. I'm walking away and not think of it for 24 hours... starting now 7:56pm, Monday evening. Until next time, thanks for listening to me whine. ;)

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