So there I was in chapter 11 of my book and I was floundering. I needed to go through my first 10 chapters and elaborate and edit, but I just couldn't bring myself to do so. If I had to read that first chapter ONE more time, I was going to pitch all of that work. I just couldn't do it but I needed to. I wanted to claw my eyeballs out. I had Chapter 1 pretty much memorized.
This is where wonderful friends enter the picture. My BFF, Heather and newest friend, Laura have gotten the first 5 chapters to critique & edit. Dana is in the process of reading it but she goes to college. :) I also gave my farrier, Karl and trainer, Jill the first two chapters so they could give me their opinions. Turns out I don't have to do all this on my own! Who would have thought? I mean, I know I ask for opinions but this was a good idea.
Laura was the first to return the pages to me. My prolouge and Chapter 1 went from 3 and 8 pages to 4 and 12. She was very helpful! I can't wait to get the feed back from everyone else. Its exciting to see my friends reactions. Its also very very very very cool to see what I've written invokes an emotional response from "my readers". That what I wrote made them ask the questions I wanted them to.
I do all of this 1.) I have a story I want to tell 2.) I'm decent at writing and think I may have a LONG shot at being published. 3.) I have friends that are horse people. They will ALWAYS give me an answer as to if something sucks. 4.) Its an adventure. I'm finding things out about myself that I NEVER knew. I had no idea what it took to write a book until I started doing it. 5.) I HAVE GOT TO finish the story otherwise I will feel incomplete. 6.) Its actually rexlaing. Go figure... the writers' block included.
Thanks for reading and I hope to give you a couple books reviews in the next week. Until then, take care! :)
keep it up girl. :) I have so much faith in you. I promise i willlll get to it. I just have a lot on my plate. :)