"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them." --Mark Twain

Saturday, October 30, 2010

National Novel Writing Month

Last year my friend Laura (I know, I bring her up a lot but she's helpful!) mentioned she participates in something commonly known as NaNoWriMo, a.k.a National Novel Writing Month. You have 30 days to write 50,000 words. She's told me that in the past few years she's been able to crank out the very basic storyline for, I think, 3 or 4 novels.
This year, she told me I had to do it, of course I didn't disagree. What I wasn't sure of was if I'd be done with my first novel --alas, I am!!!! Woot!-- She challenged me to finish my first book so that I could get a HUGE jump on the second one. I am proud to say that I met her challenge and seek to do my 2nd story justice.
So, as of today, I signed up as a participant and developed my "Story Question" for Book 2. In my first official act I shall now post my badge! :)

Wish me luck! We'll see what kind of slug fest is in store for me!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Finished! Acabada! Críochnaithe! Finie! Finita!
My messy, jumbled, and unedited first draft, as of 4:47pm on the 28th day of October in the year 2010, is done. My book is complete... or rather the story is complete. The book is far from done. The plan: edit, edit, edit. I shall then clean it up and make it presentable. I will find an editor (see how much it costs) and have them fix my horrid grammar and tie up loose ends on the story. I plan to submit it to a few publishers and see where it goes from there!

I'll write more... its time for dinner and my brain needs a break. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where its NOT done my way...

This is not one of my normal blogs. It has nothing to do with a book review or writing. Try as I may to not include horses in every aspect of my life, I feel this is something I would like to share with you. So here goes...
For those of you who don't ride horses you'll never experience the tragic downfall of "rider pride" (that's what I'm calling it). God is the greatest Humbler of all but He's not always so forthright with it; sometimes he uses the little things to keep you in check.
Let me give you a little lesson on "Rider Pride" and I'll use myself as an example. I've been riding since I was 7 yo (I'm now 26) my ability and skill has grown exponentially. I can deal most everything any given horse may throw my way. A spook here A buck there. Or even a jump refusal.

As my skill progressed, it would take more and more force from any action to FINALLY cause me to come off my horse. Beginners all the way to Grand Prix riders WILL FALL. The reality is that one day a rider will, in fact, eventually find the ground with their body. This is not fun nor does it feel good. Sometimes these falls hurt and break bones other times (if you are fortunate) you land softly.

My "Rider Pride" comes from years and years of being able to prefect the art of keeping the horse underneath you. Its a skill I've had to work at. I don't expect a good solid piece of riding through a series of bucks to receive a standing ovation. But it should be commended; people all the way from being able to stay on during your very first canter to an explosion of animal beneath you is a big deal. The better you are the harder the falls get; whether on your body or your pride.
Horses are the greatest at teaching me that things are NOT always done the way I want. Casey, my horse, is a firm believer in practicing humility. He thinks that its his God given duty to assure that I do not get too big for my breeches (or saddle); that my head does not swell to gigantic proportions.
Today, my Rider Pride has been wounded. I hit the ground because my thoroughbred saw scary (INVISIBLE!) horse-eating tree monsters. Casey went for a mad gallop on open trail and I stood horseless in the midst of my trainer's group of 10. They were all firmly on their horses. I was unhurt and fell in soft sand, no scrapes could be seen. The only thing that hurt was that I now have to put yet another notch in the "Falls from Casey" category. There is a life lesson here... LISTEN TO YOUR TRAINER when she tells you "Don't drop your shoulders at a fence!" In the end, my wonderful friend Katie went to get my dear, sweet red headed stepchild. I got back on, finished the ride, and never ever dropped my shoulder again today.
No, but really, listen when people give you good solid advice in life. Be aware of what's going on around you. Listen to your gut, its usually right. And hold your head up when something embarrasses you... those situations happen to EVERYONE. No one is without blush-filled, ears-turning-red situations.
*pictures are not mine except last one.*
This is Casey and I preforming PROPERLY!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Writing is _____ (fill in the blank).

So when I started my journey to write this story of mine (which it has no title yet, I don't want to jinx it by giving it one!) I never thought I would actually finish it. To draw up an outline, start the book, and see it to completion is HARD. I'm not even joking. I know there a ton of people out there who start novels and never finish. I'm not going to blame them nor think that they didn't give it their all b/c its a bloody battle to get to the end. I think its like running a 10k marathon but only in your head. You have to train and dedicate yourself to see the finish line.

As I am now in Chapter 20 in my book, I can see the last stretch. I can't tell you how BADLY I want to cross that line. I can practically taste it! It makes my heart beat a little faster. So for me writing is a release. Its an expression of myself. Writing is actually FUN; I get to create things and control the chess pawns. Its slightly addictive, really. It would be so cool to go back to school and get some sort of writing degree --but alas, that is not practical in today's society.

Writing is a jouney; you find yourself along the way and discover things you never knew. Writing is educational; I've found so sweet new words I've never heard of before and HAD to use them in my book! Writing is not a one man sport. Well, it may before Steven King or James Patterson but for the rest of us, we need S U P P O R T! Its a must. I can not imagine the disarray my story would be in if it weren't for Laura, Caela, Abby, Jill, or Leah. I go to them and tell them to read things 4 times over. Or I ask them to read the raw version. They are a brave, brave folk for whom I am eternally thankful to God for. And let me tell you that its nerve-racking to put yourself out there all vulnerable like. But I do it because I have a story I want to tell.

I am almost to the end but FAR from finished. This is only the first battle. The battle to the end of the beginning. Wish me luck, support me, and encourage me. Until next time, keep reading :)

Book Review #6: The 8th Confession by James Patterson

James Patterson is one of my favorite authors simply because he writes great murder mysteries. Its always a pleasure to read one of his books. You can be on chapter 90 but only be on page 115. His novels are an easy read --chapters no longer than about 5 pgs. They are great books if you don't care to read but want something to put your nose in. ANYWAY, since 2007 -when I graduated college- I've been reading his Woman's Murder Club series (b/c we all know that I'm a sucker for series). Recently the 8th book came out. Its called The 8th Confession (I know original, right? haha At least you won't confuse which books goes where on the bookshelf)
In this book, Lindsey Boxer, the cop of the series battles with her inner demons wether to marry he current beau or try a fling with her younger, attractive cop partner (whom she out ranks at that). All while she and Rich (her partner) try to hunt down a killer who is murdering upperclass rich people with virtually NO evidence. As always Mr. Patterson weaves his tale to leave you wrapped up until the end.
Not my favorite in the series, it seems to lack some of the "pop" the others have had. It could be because its now co-written with a woman. I don't know. It doesn't hurt the book but the flow isn't what it used to be. I'll buy the 9th one when it comes out because, hey, its Patterson! ;) I give it 3.5 hearts. [Sorry don't have the little hearts for you today :)]

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Book Review #5: House of Night Series

Alright, its been a while since I've written a book review & that's due to me writing my book. But recently Caela (my fave 14 yo) told me to read the House of Night books. These are also vampire books so I was hesitant to read them.(For those who know me I don't buy into the vamp lore, just makes no sense to me!)However, because Caela asked me too, I did. If she jumped off a bridge I would follow b/c she'd need someone to save her. Duh. Anyway, back to the book(s) review(s). There are 6 (or 7 now?) in this young adult series. Do I think that P.C. and Kristen Cast hopped on the vamp bandwagon? Yes. Is it better written than Vampire Academy? A BIG yes.

Its about a 16 yo girl named Zoey who gets "Marked" to become a vamp. In this series, vampirism is a genetic mutation (or something like it) and you become a fledgling. Now if you happen to get "Marked" you have to to get to the House of Night (which is like high school for baby vampires) before your body rejects the "Change." So anyway, Zoey gets Marked and starts her journey to becoming a full vampire. However, if wouldn't be a story if she were ordinary! She's a very special fledgling that is blessed by Nyx (the goddess).
Its her story of struggle and triumph. Add in that she can't seem to choose ONE boy and constantly bounces between 3 or 4 at a time. THAT annoys the crap out of me... PICK ONE! The series gets pretty dark and twisted... a little too much Wicca in there for me. Some Cherokee spiritualism is included. Its written as if a teenager were speaking as its written in 1st person. I had to put it down a few times because the teenage babble would get on my nerves.
Do I like the series? Ehhh, its debatable. I don't hate it! But as a Christian it was very hard for me to actually enjoy them. There was too much mysticism in it. I can deal with steamy makeout scenes --I can deal with the mythology --I can even deal with cussing --but the darkness of the series concerns me. I give it three hearts because a decent plot is there, just covered in teenager jargen. ♥ ♥ ♥