"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them." --Mark Twain

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Winning the small battles...

...one chapter at a time! So today I completed chapter 14 in my novel. This is so super exciting for me. I'm STOKED right now. I had to walk away and marvel at this chapter. I have to say that things just got a big shove into "a lot more interesting"

I had to blog about this crowning achievement in my short writer life. I wanted to share with you the excitement I felt at writing something that blew even ME away and I WROTE IT!!! Not only are my characters becoming "real" but the story is "coming to life"... no joke! Today it just leapt off the screen and into my fingers. I feel like I need a beer or some sort of small gratifying award for this. (Chocolate Sundae from Campbell's or Coldstone's... any takers??) I'm so stoked, seriously. It was worth it to push forward, ignoring my messy, unedited chapters, and taking Laura's advice to continue on.

I'm so glad that God gave me the talent to write --or the drive --or the idea --or whatever it was that He programmed into me. I give God glory that this story brings me joy to write it. Its also allowed me to discover a few things about myself that I'd never known. I encourage every person to at least start the journey of writing a story. Wow... just wow. I have a huge smile on my face right now.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day! :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Procrastination is a pain...

So here I am writing a blog instead of writing on my book. I've decided to forge ahead and at least get the book finished. I think things would be so much less stressful if I sat down and pounded out the story. THEN I'll go back and work on what Laura has given me. I'll then submit it to my horse riding teacher, Jill, and see what she thinks. There are precious few people that I want reading this until I'm done with the unpolished "final" version... the one I'll submit to an editor. So I say all this to drum up the energy to write on my story. Its 7:05 pm... I'll give myself an hour to work on it. Until my next update, keep reading. ;)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Operation "Write a book" Update

As I mentioned in my previous post my friend Laura has been helping write a better story. This chick is GREAT and I'm soooooooo glad that God gave her the brain that He did. It works on a different level than most people's. (That's totally meant to be kind and NOT mean!) When I submit a chapter to her I get it back COVERED (and I mean COVERED!!!) in her handwriting. It triggers two reponses in me.
1.) Omgosh, that is a crap ton of work. I can't do this.
2.) Her wisecrack remarks make is laugh. I love love love to see my reader's reaction to things.

Its not even that her critque is mean, its just in depth. She's forced me to look at my story and characters deeper. I've had to gain a greater understanding of this worldview I've created. I knew I had holes in my story and she's helped flush them out. It is HARDwork!

Another thought... my characters have taken on their own life forms. My main character Sam now listens to music... as often as she can. She doesn't listen to any specific type, its whatever she's feeling at the moment. Sam's best friend Leigh (who Laura was dying for me to give her a flaw, any flaw) has become a very good liar. She does it with ease... and its not that she lies about petty things but more like how the CIA lies. National security depends on CIA lies and in my book, people's lives depend on Leigh's lying abilites. (This does not, what so ever, depict my best friend Heather, in which the character Leigh is based on. Heather couldn't and wouldn't fib her way out of a paperbag!)

I love writing. I always liked to write... but I've found that I love it. I love getting what's in my head out on paper. I can get home from a really bad day at work and type on my story. I will write and write and write until my brain says it had enough! When I'm done with the brain dump, I feel 100% better about my life. The ONLY other thing that does that for me is riding horses. Its very cool to discover these things about myself... and I'm 26! Anyway, stay with me and thanks for reading!! I love you all!